On balance we disagree with this statement because of the negative influence and the negative way these missionaries tried to “teach” the people that thought needed help. Their main goal was to conform the savages from their backwards heathen life styles to a life under the eyes of Christ. In the realm of missionary work with the Indian tribes and several other ethnic groups across the world the goal of the United States was to try and make these tribes more like us. They had a misguided idea that these people needed our help. These people had occupied this country for hundreds and thousands of years and had prospered. We had no right to help them and should have left them be. In the end our missionary work didn’t slow down the rapidly expanding Unites States from stealing their lands and forcefully relocating them to an area of our choosing. In the end we could try and change their religious beliefs but no matter how hard they tried in no way could they change the color of their skin in the eyes of 19th century white Americans.