Truman Address on Korea

July 19, 1950



            The message sent on July 19th, 1950 by President Truman was to inform the citizens of the United States on the implications and goals pertaining to the military conflict taking place in the Republic of Korea. Truman made it evidently clear that the repercussions of the unprovoked communist invasion of Korea had far reaching consequences that would harm the people of the United States and in free democratic countries around the world. Leaders of the communist world invaded Korea and the policy of the United Nations must be to meet force with force. “These actions by the United Nations and its members are of great importance. The free nations have now made it clear the lawless aggression will be met with force”. The age of negotiating with the communist leaders of the world was now over when Truman stated “That lesson is that aggression must be met firmly. Appeasement leads only to further aggression and ultimately to war”.  The President then addressed the ongoing conflict with the Soviet Union detailing the attempts made by the United Nations to peacefully negotiate with Soviet Leaders. The stance of the United States was to support the United Nations and the ultimate goal of everlasting world peace. The communist leaders, primarily the Soviet Union, would not engage and would not participate in this ultimate goal. This would be a long hard fight but in the end it was time to push back the Soviet invaders and consequently fight the world of communism head on. Talking was over; the time to act was now.